It chronicles the humble beginnings of two people who met and submitted to God's direction for their lives. Their choices and decisions took them farther along the path God designed. Dick (through journal entries and other writings) and Anita write to convey God's movement in their lives through this chronology, Divine Appointment
. Their biographical account traces life experiences that brought them to the Trinity River Bridge one cold Wednesday morning, 1989. On that bridge their lives intersected with a dead, mangled man. There, God prompted Dick to pray a miraculous, life-saving prayer for Don Piper. His book, 90 Minutes in Heaven
, is the story of Don's miraculous return to life after the fatal accident. Coincidence did not intersect three lives that day, God did. When Dick and Anita happened upon the horrific accident scene, it was God's Divine Appointment, orchestrated by His hand.
Some of the reviews on Amazon since Anita's book
"Unlike Don Piper's book, this is not a story about heaven. It's a story about the things we go through during our journey on this earth. . .and how those things can shape us into faith-filled history-makers. And I dare say, it's worth the price of the book alone just to get the bonus feature at the end of the book. Dick's "sermon" (really more of a life message) sent shivers down my spine. Wow!"
"What an amazing and inspiring testament! I am so thankful that you felt compelled to share your experience. Your faith touches us all. May God continue to bless you and your ministry."
Lucid Books Spotlight features books published by our publishing company, Lucid Books.
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